Autism Spectrum Disorders / AD(H)D

If your child suffers from ADD/ADHD or ASD,  it is reassuring to know that naturopathic medicine has a lot to offer in terms of alternative testing and treatment.

AD(H)D and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are distinct conditions, but at NaturoMedica we realize that children with these health challenges often share similar underlying health issues.

These health issues include the following:

  • Gastrointestinal Complaints
  • Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors
  • Cognitive Delays
  • Extreme Behaviors
  • Mood Disorders, including Depression and Anxiety
  • Food Allergies or Sensitivities
  • Immune Dysfunction including Chronic Infections
  • Sleep Disturbances

Biomedical Approach

At NaturoMedica, we use the Biomedical Approach which addresses each patient’s underlying metabolic, genetic, nutritional, and dietary imbalances which may contribute to autism and AD(H)D.  Our philosophy is to provide early intervention with medical treatment specific to each child’s needs. Our goal is to start with the treatments which have significant benefit to the patient with the least likelihood of resulting in negative side effects. 

MAPS Training

Dr. Lisa Wada is a MAPS (Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs) trained physician. MAPS is the only comprehensive teaching and fellowship program available for the medical issues associated with autism spectrum disorders and other neurodevelopmental disorders.   MAPS is a systematic training program that uses evidence based study in the fields of Immunology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Metabolism and Neurology to provide the best and most up to date healthcare to children on the Autism Spectrum.

Team Approach

NaturoMedica believes in a team approach to working with children with AD(H)D and autism spectrum disorders.   NaturoMedica maintains a referral network of specialists and other available resources to help your child receive the best available care.

Fee Schedule

First Office Visit (1½ - 2 hours) $299
Follow Up Visits:
      45-60 minutes $299
      30 minutes $229
      15 minutes $119

NaturoMedica requires payment at the conclusion of your office visit. You will be provided with a coded superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. The amount of reimbursement varies by insurance provider. General labs are usually ordered through PacLab, LabCorp or Qwest labs. These major lab facilities are in-network for most insurance companies and will bill your insurance directly.

More About Autism Spectrum Disorders / AD(H)D

"I love NaturoMedica’s combination of non-traditional and traditional approaches."
Karen Parkey - Sammamish, WA - View More